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Optimizing and Exporting
Those last steps before you release the game into the world wild web.
My game can't load on itch.io
process(delta) if else statement LAG
Export error
When is the android NDK needed?
HTML export problem
my game doesn't pass level
Instanced scenes rendering slowly but editor-duplicated scenes are fast
Godot Export Working on Debug but not Release For Scene Switching With Button
Do .import files impact the exported project's size?
[SOLVED] Retroid Pocket 2+ and Screen Tearing
Is there a way to export to Android without signing the APK, such as for personal use?
my compilated game (exe), doesn't work without source...
Godot exported for web is slow?
C# script doesn't load after linking godot project to xcode
Build for web is it safe if the multiplayer client and server code are the same project?
[GODOT 3.4.4] .apk is not installed on my mobile, but it does not give an error in the export!
Best performative way to instantiate thousands of clickable 3D objects
Failed to export iOS project due to "Reason: The project x is damaged and cannot be opened"
what's the best way to set up a pipeline allowing to send build to google play
Do fewer conditions (to check on) make the physics_process faster?
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