Has anyone else watched Halt and Catch Fire?...
I've not, but...
I guess my main issue is consistency. There are plenty of places where diversity can be healthily promoted even to the point of a character being completely recast if the settings allows it. The latest Dune movie is a good example where I won't give it away, but I did double-take for a moment when a certain person was introduced. Then about 5mins later I was fine with it because it's space/fantasy and there wasn't anything about their character in the book that needed to be butchered to accommodate it.
This tends to be fine for new content or fantasy/scifi in general (which suits me fine), but more of an issue with older content that's being renewed where original characters are cut apart to account for it.
In the case of the historical context, it often just straight up wouldn't make sense in that setting and you may as well rebrand yourself as fantasy at that point. That said, if the character is WRITTEN consistently and acted to suit, it can work. E.G Idris Elba could absolutely nail James Bond as a modern take on the character should be race agnostic.... but if you made it Jane Bond? well now you're butchering the entire character to shoehorn an agenda.
Though if they want to do a side film about the American spy from the latest film, all for it. Need more of her lol
While I'm rambling I find the last 3 Star Wars's were good examples of how to completely butcher characters for an agenda. You literally had the entire Star Wars universe to create new content with, like Rogue One which was excellent, but instead chose to just cut up the established characters instead. I mean are we supposed to think it's a coincidence that both Han Solo AND Indiana Jones are now deadbeat dads -.-
Anyway suspect this is far too political for this forum. Mods please remove if you think this is likely to stray in the wrong direction :S