Another thing that can help with keeping the conversation and discussion is the discovery aspect of it. It can be invaluable when something changes (in engine or API) or you are using something similar, as often these discussions can help deduce not only what the solution is, but why it is a solution, something documentation doesn't always cover.
I have found several threads going over the process extremely helpful. In fact, one of the most helpful threads for my IK work was someone going through how to make FABRIK for Roblox! Unfortunately the post isn't around anymore (the forum was removed), but it had a really nice discussion and breakdown of how the algorithm works that ultimately made it click for me as I was reading the discussion.
I do think I get at what you were saying though, as it can be a little harder to read through a discussion and synthesize the solution from the discussion, unlike in a tutorial where it's more laid out. I agree with @xyz that it's probably better to take the information and create a new article/tutorial that has the information, as then you can format it in a way that is optimized for learning. Then the article could be linked in a new post on the topic if you wanted to leave a trail for people who run across the thread.