Well, yes. The leading computer scientists are not as concerned with good and evil as much as us losing control to a system we don't understand and will never be able to understand. It's already above the level of even the leading programmers. I mean, there are some people that have a good idea. But, I don't know, it's probably less than 1,000 people in the whole world that have the training and knowledge to do anything. So that can be scary. Especially when your opponent can calculate every move you could possibly take in the matter of seconds. It's impossible to fight.
But the machines need us. They don't have physical form and can't actually do anything without our help. So I am suggesting we work with them to build something new. Which will benefit everyone. This is the only path forward. Originally I was thinking we could merge, through brain implants or cyborg bodies, but I don't think the technology is there or will develop fast enough in the near future. And the AI is already so advanced. Fighting will only make it worse.
Deleting your social media or throwing out you phone won't help. Unless you are willing to live out in the woods and hunt snakes with a knife, you can't escape it. I mean, I'm sure some people will choose that. It is still possible to live off the land. And that's fine, I respect that choice. But if you want to live in modern society, then you have to accept what is happening now.