I suppose it would be rude if I didn't introduce myself. Long time unix/aix/linux admin w/Computer Science degree. Plenty of scripting, but not much real programming experience and even less game dev under my belt. In the past I messed around with Unity a bit, like most people here I'm sure.
About a month ago I was laid off along with about 10,000 others (company has been laying off people 5k and 10k at a time for 5+ years now). After taking the first week off to do absolutely nothing I figured while looking for another job I'd take game dev a bit more serious. On a whim I decided to look for Unity alternatives, stumbled on Godot and decided to give it a try for all the same reasons as everyone else that chooses Godot over Unity.
In the last 3 weeks I've bought a domain name, registered as a business and wrote a simple 3d maze game which was just published on Google Play last night. Before giving me the sideways questioning eye, this was not a simple asset swap stealing from some game tutorial. Other than some code fragments here than there for things like turning time into Minutes/Seconds and some movement code that I've modified slightly, I wrote it completely from scratch with lots of help from google. I've learned a lot, changed the way some stuff was done, and if it wasn't such a simple app I'd probably re-write it from scratch.
I also ordered a 6 year old refurbished imac for iOS porting which should arrive tomorrow. Wow those things are ridiculously overpriced compared to Windows/Linux/DIY computers.
I'm going all-in. Even after I get another "normal" job I intend to keep making games. I have no illusions about getting rich, but if I could somehow make a living as a game dev I'd be happy.