@OpinionatedGamer said:
Any games that really arent/werent very good that you've played the heck out of anyway? I can't think of any at the moment but I'm sure there are some =)
Gothic 3
On some level I found Gothic 3 was a good game and definitely dumped hours into it, but ultimately everything by Piranha Bytes since Gothic 2 has made basically no improvement on the jank combat found in Gothic 2 (which was forgivable at the time, but progressively more annoying how little progress is made as each new game is released).
Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout 3... Basically Bethesda post Morrowind
Hohoho Ima get some hate for this, but Bethesda have missed the mark on basically everything for years now. Morrowind was beautiful/well told and for it's time brilliant. It had issues though which like Gothic 2 were overlookable for its age, but watching these issues permeate and worsen or see features outright removed rather than fixed in future games just makes me feel like everything since has been sub standard (but still spend hours in).
I mean, New Vegas was better in almost every way than Fallout 3 largely because Bethesda didn't make it. I think hbomberguy did a good breakdown on the reasons.
X2/X3 and expansions
The X series in general is jank, but legit awesome in its jank. So many things were so bad. Cut scenes, any attempt at a story, so much brokenness, but it's still an unpolished gem imo that I spent hundreds of hours in.
Do NOT play anything after X3 though. Pre-ordering X Rebirth was the biggest mistake of any games purchase I've ever made.
Star Ocean : The Last Hope
OMG this game is pure trash. The directing of cutscenes is particularly infuriating, with 10s gaps between people speaking to each other. IDK if this is just a translation issue, but whatever.
It's just bad. Bad bad bad.
I still completed it though . Honestly the combat alone was just so compelling it made up for terrible everything else.
Jackbox Party Packs
Everything about these packs just feels so jank, but there just isn't much competition in this space I guess so still gets some use. They have Covid to thank for a lot of customers (me included).
Anything like Borderlands, Dead Island etc.
These games capitalise on the fact you don't need decent storytelling to enjoy running around killing stuff with friends. Try playing them single-player and you'll understand why I think they're actually pretty bad, especially when sequals don't even try to add to their predescessors.
Honorable Mentions - Final Fantasy X
I feel like this is an honorable mention, because when I first played it I legit thought it was a huge step in the wrong direction for the series but still completed. In hindsight having replayed it multiple times, I actually think it's genuinely a great game, probably the last great game in the series even, but it has some rough edges for sure.