@Erich_L said:
I have been sitting on this idea for awhile and I love it.. but haven't developed it very far:
Skyrim except instead of the usual magic and mythological powers, you learn "dragon born" powers with a Christian twist. Get your prayer up and smite heretics! Make big crusader armor and bless your claymore in the divine trinity. The game cashes in on everyone's preexisting knowledge of Christian stuff (which IMO is usually boring) and makes it look awesome, violent, and engaging at HBO levels. So many aspects that people often see as boring (hymns, prayers) are all spectacular when they're the backdrop to strength and violence. Imagine all that Christian stuff... in the light of Strength of Character and fortitude of belief and Indomitable Spirit instead of Jesus guilt?
I convinced a girl to stop smoking yesterday. SMITE DOWN!
Your describing Norse, Saxon, Norman, Logobords, Franks, Latter Roman Empire, Easterm Roman Empire Christianity. I had an ancestor named Skeg (Spelling Skeggs?, Skaggs? , Skag? , Skeg?) the Iorn- he was freeman blacksmith and one of the last priest of Thor. He was killed when he turned his back on Good King Olaf Tryggvason who stuck an axe in his skull. Olaf was trying to convert Norway to Christianity by Sword and Skegg was leading a pagan resistance and stupidly agreed to meet Olaf. The Norse saw this as evidence of Olaf's power as Skeg fell so easily.
I just learned how my Viking ancestors got to England and how their name changed. I digress.
SO yeah any game about any of those "Knightly" christian empires are very hard rough bloody men- who many saw worship thru combat and brutality, would be pretty intense. Very very different to how we would view it today. How they defined rape, murder, adultery, theft, etc are insane to what we would believe today. You debated religion thru the point of a spear.