Hi all,
My name is Ron Tarrant and I'm retired from public service in Canada and I write the GtkDcoding blog.
I started coding in 1985 while snowed in at my Dad's house in a Newfoundland outport. It was just me, an Adam computer and a book on BASIC. Since then, I've worked with ~2 dozen languages on numerous projects, but what I feel most comfortable with is UI coding... thus the blog.
I got interested in Godot after watching a video on YouTube that covered the basics. I've been interested in game development since my Commodore 64 days. I've just never actually written one. Now, maybe I will!
The other thing that drew me to Godot is the visual scripting interface. I've been working on a series of blog posts about nodes and noodles, so I'm intrigued. My nodes-n-noodles UI is far from finished and I'm looking for ideas on how others have done the same thing. If anyone can point me at any design docs or discussion of how the visual script interface was coded, I'd be grateful.
So, let me see... introduction... relevant history... shameless plug... plea for assistance... Yup! I'm done. :)