I wonder where is everyone. Sometimes I feel like last person online... which is dream coming true for introvert like myself. Anyway, Forum staff appears to be in coma so I come to welcome newbies.
HI @Moltenhead and welcome. Don't worry about begin socialy awkward, here is nobody to put you down. Just be yourself, when someone offend you, forum moderators put few warnings in front of his face, if it does not work, he got banned. I'm something like "doodlydoer" too, however I like to call it "Jack of all Computer Trades", I learned myself many IT skills and I'm learning something new everyday. Many skills including 2D/3D graphics, music, sound effects, programing (obviously) and lot of stuff related to Windows, Ubuntu and Android
Hi @NWallen and welcome. I'm glad that GoDot suits to how you think. I don't think you need any introduction, after having experience with java and C#, learning GoDot is going to be park walk, really, it is easy.
Hi @KyZEN and welcome. If you want help, first project to work on should be THIS ONE , but i guess as experienced bookkeeper with searching skills you already found that, there is not much to say for someone who is able to find everything himself... or herself ? I really don't know, your profile picture may be both crossbow or ovaries... dude, what a confusion. Anyway, we have own docs, take it as starting point, from here you can reach every kind of GoDot oriented knowledge you ever can dream of.
I most kindly welcoming new members of our great community.