My name is Cean. Think of it as Ocean without the "O". Pronounced as "Sean" I am one of only a few people who have this name.
I can go through the whole thing about me liking cats, dogs, and animals but I'm sure most of you would like me to cut to the chase.
I am an artist. However, I am more of a left-brain/right-brain split. I am just as stupid about computer-science as I am about art. Or rather, I am just as smart about computer-science as I am about art. It depends on how you perceive my intelligence.
I am here because I believe that this community can help me to achieve my goals. No one can do anything on their own. Since I came here, someone helped me almost immediately with the problem that I was having in regards to programming. They helped me figure it out and inadvertently gave me some insight into game design.
I am very happy to be here!