Hi everyone,
I'm new here and new to Godot. I've done a couple of basic tutorials. The last being Heartbeast's ARPG Youtube series. I am wanting to add things to this demo to start becoming more familiar with programming and the engine.
What I want to do is have a Sword (an Areas2D scene with sprite and collision2D) on the map and have my player run into it and then pick up the item. I've been able to run into it and trigger an output that proves this, but want the item when triggered to follow the player. I know my script pushes the Sword towards 0,0 when I touch it, but is there not an easy way to tell it to push it towards the player's coordinates?
Here is the script:
extends Area2D
onready var sword_pos = $SwordImage
func _on_Sword_body_entered(body):
print("sword touched")
var speed = 5 # Change this to increase it to more units/second
position = position.move_toward(Vector2(0,0), speed)
Thanks in advance!