Hi, I'm new to Godot and am trying to follow this tutorial ( to make a flappy bird game. I have an Area2D to detect when the walls move outside the camera, however they aren't being detected. After some testing, I replaced one of the walls with a KinematicBody2D, and that seemed to work just fine (was using StaticBody2Ds previously). I would prefer to use StaticBody's as they don't stop the player when it collides between the pipes. Is there any solution to this or is just it a bug? (Also, I'm using C# for scripting rather then GDScript, so I don't know if that's causing any issues.)
private void _on_Resetter_body_entered(Node body)
Code used to detect collision.
The setup. (One of the walls has a KinematicBody2D while the other has a StaticBody2D)
Only KinematicBody2D is detected.