One bad thing about "trusted computing" is that it cannot be unbreakable. At some point, someone will hack it, and then your hardware may or may not be upgradable to the point where it's secure again. In the meantime, the move to uefi from bios has made things interesting for free software developers. And, unlike bios, uefi can, at this moment, be hacked to the point that your only option is to replace the chips, or more likely, the entire motherboard.
Microsoft has already used its muscle to influence the design of touchpads in a way that I dislike. Touchpads on laptops used to be small enough that you could easily type around them. Microsoft changed that to support gestures. Of course, a lot of people like the newer format, but you don't really have much choice in size now because every laptop maker wants to support windows.
I'm a bit worried about the new move to passwordless logins by microsoft and google. The primary means of authentication is basically the credit card you use to pay for your phone service -- tying your real name and address to every computer you own, on every service. You can get around that in several ways, but most people won't bother, and the means of avoiding it will likely shrink over time if everyone starts using this technique.
I never use an alias on the Net, but I appreciate the possibility of having one, and I refuse to run non-free software on my cell phone, so google's services aren't an option for me*. That's why I'm not using github since they announced that they'd be using two-factor authentication. I could use other software to deal with it, but it would be less secure than not using two-factor at all, unless I spent more money on hardware or used google's software on my phone. It's not worth my time.
*Most of google's software is technically free, but it's tied into their proprietary services.