snowy-fox Night Mode is nigh-unreadable, and even in Day Mode, the top bar still looks exactly the same. More contrast is needed.
Yes, a real custom theme is yet to be made, so far only some tiny adjustments have been made to the default css theme.
snowy-fox When creating a new thread, there's no preview button.
Alas, theres no option to turn on for that, but as I've already previously recommended somewhere in here, just create a stub post then edit it and you get the preview.
snowy-fox Formatting feels limited - no text size or colour options.
it's no different than the previous forum software, it's the same markdown formatting as before, though some if the header buttons now work better than in the previous software, so actually a slight improvement.
snowy-fox Everything is so tiny! My eyesight isn't great and I've had to zoom in to be able to read anything.
Yes, again, we should probably create a new custom theme again. This would be an opportunity to do a more complete job too, cause last time we got busy and didn't actually manage to complete what our actual vision for it was.
snowy-fox This is of course personal opinion, but for what it's worth, the new forum is just ugly to me. The old forum was clearer and laid out in a much more readable way. This one seems like it's trying really hard to look like Discord.
Yes, in terms of having no pages but infinite scrolling topics, the design is more similar to discourse. Alas seems that most modern software that is actively maintained is going in that direction. On a positive note though, if you leave a topic open and someone makes a new post, it should update the page on it's own. And unlike discourse, flarum doesn't even really maintain categories at all, it's actually all tags now.
In terms of why the change happened though, the old forum software wasn't really very viable anymore. It actually had corrupted the database, for the second time now. First time we managed to recover most of it, not so the last time. So the other shoe had dropped and it was time to move on.