Correct. In case anyone reads this for ideas for coding...
That part of it should be simple. I've done something similar to randomize the items that spawn in-game.
var junk_list = [preload("res://StickCollect.tscn"),preload("res://StoneCollect.tscn")]
func _ready():
item_number = rand_range(100, 200)
func spawn_junk():
for items in item_number:
var child = junk_list[int(randi()%junk_list.size()+0)].instance()
It's a lot of nodes already, but at least all of these are simply a bunch of area2Ds that don't move. They are only removed once the player collects them, and the rest are removed and respawned each game-day. Like the zombies, I will more than likely make sure they spawn around the player, rather than random numbers, in the real game, and simply shrink the amount, then, when the game-day is over, I would re-spawn them while the player won't see it happening.
Zombies are also easy. What I did was put all the zombies in the "zombie" group, and then what I'd do to randomize stats, I would edit the spawn_zombie code so it would randomize stats for each one using a for loop.
func spawn_zombies():
for z in zombie_count:
var zombie_basic = Zombie_Basic.instance()
var x_range = Vector2(-3000, 3000)
var y_range = Vector2(-3000, 3000)
var random_x = randi() % int(x_range[1]- x_range[0]) + 1 + x_range[0]
var random_y = randi() % int(y_range[1]-y_range[0]) + 1 + y_range[0]
var random_pos = Vector2(random_x, random_y)
Sorry, I had a teacher who basically showed me how to do a lot of things that no one else would've taught me- and now I sort of want to help beginners get out of the pit I was once in. :)