I wanted to start a topic dedicated to the built-in "AssetLib" tool available in Godot, as well as any Godot asset libraries or marketplaces.
https://godotassetlibrary.com/ (Caution: Broken? Does not load for me.)
I think the "AssetLib" tab takes a pretty prominent spot in the editor, next to 2D, 3D, and Script. I imagine that's more to do with the hope of what it could be, rather than because of what it currently offers. I'm a recent arrival to game dev, and have not used the Godot asset library much - maybe 5 times in the past 2 years. I think this clip of a video does well on covering some of the issues with it:
https://godotmarketplace.com/ looks like it offers a lot more, but all front-page promoted assets appear to be engine agnostic anyway. It does not appear to have an API to link with the "AssetLib" tab in Godot, either, which seems like a missed opportunity for both parties.
What would other people like to see out of the "AssetLib" tool? Or the https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset website, while that's the default source linked?