Our brains have a tendency to rewire themselves to prioritize the types of inputs we get most often, which equates to cannibalizing our potential for other types of processing. That's probably not good for you, so try to engage all the areas of your brain as much as possible, including social and communication functions.
Also, our ancestors were hunter/gatherers for a long time. They saw a lot of new terrain and spent most of their time looking/listening/smelling for anything useful/dangerous and solving small problems, like, "how do we get everyone across that river?" So, if you're burning out, go somewhere different. The internet/tv can only engage two of your senses, and only through a little window. Go to a museum, amusement park, cafe, pet store, etc. Check out a different part of the city.
Do something that challenges you. Climb a tree. Fix the plumbing/car/roof. Go someplace you can people watch and sharpen your Holmesian observation skills. Help someone out -- people tend to be happier doing something for someone else than doing it for themselves.