Hello and hope everyone is well,
While prototyping some visual ideas for what I hope is my first game, I stumble across this Github topic: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/32851.
After three days trying to understand how two lines of code achieve such an effect, I finally got it (or I'm 95% sure I did).
It was really interesting knowing that SHADOW_VEC.y has a range of values based on the number of Light Occluder blocking the light source. But alas.
Now my issue: I'm trying to implement something like this on Isometric tiles, but on those the 'center' of the sprite isn't at the bottom, it is on the lower half (to preserve the Y-Sort effect).
While the Light occluder is positioned on an angle, and bellow the sprite's VERTEX.y.

I believe the combination of the 'situation' described above prevent the exact same code to work as intended. So here my questions:
1. Can this effect be replicated on Isometric tiles?
2. If yes, is a variation of the shader I linked above the way to go?
3. In case 2 is also true, can someone give me a hint of how?
Any insight is hugely appreciated.
p.s.: Not being able to debbug/print shader values, or what the code is doing is a torture