I'm stacking ColorRects in a global autorun as a way of applying screen-space shaders to the entire game:
I have two shaders, a color reducer:
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D palette : hint_black; // Insert a palette from lospec for instance
uniform int palette_size = 16;
void fragment(){
vec4 color = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV);
vec4 new_color = vec4(.0);
for (int i = 0; i < palette_size; i++) {
vec4 palette_color = texture(palette, vec2(1.0 / float(palette_size) * float(i), .0));
if (distance(palette_color, color) < distance(new_color, color)) {
new_color = palette_color;
COLOR = new_color;
and a dither:
//Original shader from https://github.com/jmickle66666666/PSX-Dither-Shader/blob/master/PSX%20Dither.shader
//Shadertoy version by László Matuska / @BitOfGold https://www.shadertoy.com/view/tlc3DM
//Ported to Godot by Azumist
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode blend_mix;
uniform sampler2D dither_pattern: hint_albedo;
uniform float screen_width = 512;
uniform float screen_height = 300;
uniform float color_depth = 32;
float channel_error(float col, float col_min, float col_max) {
float range = abs(col_min - col_max);
float a_range = abs(col - col_min);
return a_range / range;
float dithered_channel(float error, vec2 dither_block_uv) {
float pattern = texture(dither_pattern, dither_block_uv).r;
if(error > pattern)
return 1.0;
return 0.0;
vec3 rgb2yuv(vec3 rgb) {
vec3 yuv;
yuv.r = rgb.r * 0.2126 + 0.7152 * rgb.g + 0.0722 * rgb.b;
yuv.g = (rgb.b - yuv.r) / 1.8556;
yuv.b = (rgb.r - yuv.r) / 1.5748;
yuv.gb += 0.5;
return yuv;
vec3 yuv2rgb(vec3 yuv) {
yuv.gb -= 0.5;
return vec3(
yuv.r * 1.0 + yuv.g * 0.0 + yuv.b * 1.5748,
yuv.r * 1.0 + yuv.g * -0.187324 + yuv.b * -0.468124,
yuv.r * 1.0 + yuv.g * 1.8556 + yuv.b * 0.0);
vec3 dither_color(vec3 col, vec2 uv, float xres, float yres) {
vec3 yuv = rgb2yuv(col);
vec3 col1 = floor(yuv * color_depth) / color_depth;
vec3 col2 = ceil(yuv * color_depth) / color_depth;
// Calculate dither texture UV based on the input texture
vec2 dither_block_uv = uv * vec2(xres / 8.0, yres / 8.0);
yuv.x = mix(col1.x, col2.x, dithered_channel(channel_error(yuv.x, col1.x, col2.x), dither_block_uv));
yuv.y = mix(col1.y, col2.y, dithered_channel(channel_error(yuv.y, col1.y, col2.y), dither_block_uv));
yuv.z = mix(col1.z, col2.z, dithered_channel(channel_error(yuv.z, col1.z, col2.z), dither_block_uv));
return yuv2rgb(yuv);
void fragment() {
vec3 col = texture(TEXTURE, UV).rgb;
col = dither_color(col, UV.xy, screen_width, screen_height);
COLOR = vec4(col,1.0);
The color palette shader works well on a ColorRect, but the dither shader doesn't work and most examples for dither shaders seem tp use with ViewportContainers, ViewportTextures and some I've seen needing BackBufferCopy nodes. Is there a reason some shaders can't go on ColorRects? It's definitely the more convenient way of doing this, and I'm not even sure how to stack shaders on a Global with a ViewportTexture?