@some_lame_kid said:
Trying to read these books in middle school is what made me realise how much I don't like high fantasy. It wasn't because the books were bad, I just couldn't read them without getting bored. Sci-fi however, I love sci-fi. But mostly the grounded stuff.
I feel you. I never could make it through the Shannara books, the Foundation series, or even Dune. I did manage to force my way through the Silmarillion. (It was painful, but I'm a Tolkien fan.)
The first novel I ever read was A Princess of Mars (with the Frazetta cover -- you can see why it appealed to a youngster), and I still think of that as more sci-fi than fantasy. I actually got started on "high" fantasy in middle school, when we were told to read The Hobbit in english class. Best assignment I ever got.
I think the most realistic stuff I've read were alien invasion stories, like Footfall and Worldwar. I loved the Project Orion spaceship in Footfall.
And, speaking of books made into movies, I've been waiting for forty years for a movie/tv adaptation of Ringworld. Niven is my all-time favorite author, and I've read nearly all of his Known Space books. At one point, the sci-fi channel was talking about adapting it -- the thought still makes me cringe. Does anyone remember the ham-handed movie they made of Riverworld?