@Bimbam said:
Next ting maybe, still in Blender atm:
Looks cool!
For some reason it reminds me of Dark Souls :smile:
As far as Godot funding goes, it's a tricky thing. Like Cybereality, I only know from what I have seen on the various community channels.
Last I knew, the biggest issue the Godot team was having with funding was getting enough stable funding for all the core team to be able to work on it full time. From what I can tell, most of Godot's funding comes through grants and similar contracts, and because these deals can come and go, its harder to stably hire developers. My understanding is that many of the Godot core team have to swap between working on Godot and other jobs, some working part-time and others on contract. That said, currently I believe Godot's funding is relatively stable right now.
Again though, this is just based on what I have read and speculation.
I think it might be interesting to pool together and make something that has its proceeds donated to Godot, but I think it would be difficult to coordinate. It would need a really solid project framework, so everyone contributing would know what they are working on, what needs to be done, and where the project is.
I think it might be easier to have it where the talent pool makes a series of small games and releases them together in a bundle, and then donate the proceeds that way, instead of making one or two larger games. Either way though, it would be an interesting idea.