Today is a Tough day cancer wise, and it has become very difficult today to do anything, as my cancer took a turn for worse today. Hopefuly I'll feel better morrow. what happens to art and games when the creators die? Does the spouse just get them? Had to sign papers not to resuscitate me if quality of life would not be possible.
I know my stuff isnt very good, but still would like to know just in case I accidently create a popular game.
I also and starting to shop for a laptop on case I have to go to a facility- that way I could still read and try to create, maybe play some games.
I ordered a blender book which arrived today and my wide is tickled pink- she has fallen in love with it. If I would not have come to this forum and listened to Cybereality's reasons to use blender she would have never discovered it. SO far I bought her a tutorial series on udemy, this book, and setup her system.
My wife want to know who are the most inspiring 3d artists over the past decade or so?