Not sure if this is expected or I have done something wrong but when I try to get the y pixel size of a Line2D it seems to be fixed at 1 / 64 no matter what I set the actual width of the line to be.
Below is some shader code to demonstrate, just attach this to a line 2D then change the line width. Switching out the last 2 lines in the shader should show a difference if the Y pixel size is anything other than 64, but it's always the same:
shader_type canvas_item;
void fragment(){
vec2 size_Local = 1.0 / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE; // this is the pixel size of the texture in texture pixels
//COLOR = vec4(0.,UV.y * size_Local.y / 64.,0.,1.);
COLOR = vec4(0.,UV.y ,0.,1.);