Hi all, I'm making a third person camera based game, and I want all objects between the camera and controlled character to have a circle cut out of them (so that I don't have to do unintuitive stuff like stuff the camera close to the character). I have a multitude of objects with different materials that I want to apply this to, so I'm thinking I apply an additional pass to each object when the game starts so that I dont have to manually go through every object.
That's the cutout shader alone on a cube that I'll throw onto each object as its next_pass, but right now it obviously just puts another layer on top.

So I'm wondering if there is a way to get parameters from an underlying pass, and use other passes as a mask of sorts? I'd really prefer to not manually add this to the first pass of every unique object. It would make it really painful especially when reimporting after making changes to the meshes in Blender. Thanks in advance!