Local space is not enough. I need to be able to control them in screen space. Documentation explicitly states that when you disable vertex transforms, projection transformation happens anyway "later". There's even an example that shows "manual" vertex-matrix multiplication and it does only modelview multiplication. Even though you get the projection matrix as a built-in uniform, there's no use for it in this regard. Projection part is seemingly automatic and hidden from the user. I suspect there's a good reason for it.
Anyway, drawing straight lines is not my main concern. I need 3d curves; smooth, thick and with controllable, possibly animated width. Best way to do it is to expand triangle strips in screen space. I even have operational glsl shaders from my previous gl projects. It would be trivial to adapt them if automatic projection multiplication could be disabled and instead be done manually.
That all being said I still love Godot's light abstraction of glsl.