Thank you @Megalomaniak . Yes, you're right, it doesn't mean it'll only affect mobiles. I just assumed that on a Macbook it should work, but that may as well be some other issue.
I'll do some research around your suggestions. I don't have a lot of experience with shaders, so it doesn't tell me much yet. But it's a good hint in a possible direction, and it's always good to discover and learn new things.
A shader pass to all objects, yes, it may work, I'll see what the performance cost is.
Basically all objects will be flat 2d shapes. For this test I'm using 3d Sprites with a billboard texture of a viewport and the content is drawn as Polygon2D. I don't even know if that's a good choice performance wise. I think I'll eventually change this to just 2D bitmap sprites or imported flat shapes from Blender or somehow as a Vector, I think it might become a pain trying to write code to draw all game sprites.
I was also considering to do it all in 2d, and I tried that initially, but I felt with what I have in mind I'd end up having to write some sort of virtual camera module that can imitate 3d, and it felt that I'm reinventing the wheel for something that Godot can already do a lot better than such a module could ever achieve. So I switched to 3d.
Anyway, I still need to learn a lot around Godot, but it's a fantastic engine.