Greetings, I hope everyone is well.
I recently came across this wonderful demo on youtube for cutoff shaders and was trying to implement it in my project.
The creators github is linked in the description where the project can be found. I've also included the files in this post.
The shader basically turns part of the object invisible as it passes through a defined area.
Out of the shaders the creator has provided I am playing around with "Simple_cutoff_plane_SHADER_CODE.shader"
With the default code my object begins to turn transparent as it moves through the world plane on the Y axis but in the provided demo the objects begin to turn transparent as they pass an invisible diagonal wall.
My question is, how can I learn to understand the code so I can begin to make use of it? I would like to attach a simple invisible plane to a camera which when passing through objects causes those objects to turn transparent because of the shader applied to them.
Any help would be appreciated.
Kind regards and thank you in advance.