I come forward with a bit of a matter when trying to implement a reflective shader into a top down game.
Disclaimer : I am quite new to using godot and game making, so forgive me if I am not really clear, and let me know if I can add some info to help you help me.
So I have a scene with a Camera2D attached to a KinematicBody2D (the player) and a tileMap.
The tilemap size is bigger than the size of the root viewport (defined as 400 x 200 px in the project parameters), so when the player move around the tilemap, I change the position of the Camera2D so that it is always centered on the player.
Now I tried to implement a little pool of water with a reflective shader.
I followed this tutorial :
When the player is on top of the water pool, the shader is working properly, as seen in this picture :

However when I try to go under the pool of water, the shader is not working properly :

From my understanding, what is happening is that the shader isn't able anymore to make its calculation based on the texture of the viewport, because the viewport doesn't anymore display what the shader needs : the portion of the picture above the pool of water is truncated because the camera moved down with the player.
Now I dont have any idea what I could do to resolve this issue... Any pointers would be gladly accepted.