Still pretty newbish about shaders so I may be using the wrong terms in places - appreciate any corrections.
I have an image (the recent eROSITA soft xray all sky survey ) which is presented in the Aitoff projection ( - as a learning exercise I wanted to write a shader that would map that image onto the inner surface of a CSG Sphere.
In a vertex() shader, I'm using the coordiantes to convert the local model space position to spherical coordinates so that I can unwarp the aitoff projected data, and I'm setting UV.xy values for each vertex. There's a little domain mapping thing where the aitoff projection is I think on {-1, +1} and UV coordinates are [0,1] but that's easy.
The problem I think I'm having is how to manage the periodic boundary condition - there are verts at spherical coordinates that basically are in two places on the map - consider (in degrees, latitude longitude) (0, 180) which is the 'same' point as (0, -180) but map to UV coordinates of [x = 1, y = 0.5] or [x = 0, y = .5].
Fine by itself, but when we texture map a triangle and interpolate some local UV coordinate, there are some triangles in my mesh that have one or more verticies from the pos. domain and one or more from the negative, and the whole texture gets squashed in some extra repeat.
I have some ideas about how to fix this but I imagine I am wandering off into crazy town and there are probably better known solutions - my googling has failed me though. One (non godot) paper I saw made reference to checking the 'filter width' - essentially, 'how big of a UV space is this triangle sampling' and adjusting the UV coordinates appropriately if the width seemed too large - I would think that information is accessible in the fragment shader but I can't figure out where that might be.
My likely-bad idea is to try to add alternate UV2 coordinates for vertices that are on the boundary - but I'm not sure I totally see how that will work.
Thanks for any help!