This shader takes a base albedo texture, a black and white color map texture, and two colors as uniforms. White spots on the color map cause the corresponding pixels on the base texture to be replaced with the first color, and black spots by the second color. Any other color simply renders as the base texture.
This works exactly as intended, but I'm noticing some weird distance-based artifacting on the color replacements. Some splotches of color simply aren't visible if the camera is far enough. There also seems to be a single pixel thick gap between the "good" and "bad" color in places where they meet on the color map.
I really have no idea what this issue is, so I'm not sure where else to research it. Any help would be appreciated.
One pixel gap between "good" and "bad" colors, despite there not being a gap on the color map
Colors become invisible when viewed from far away. The green square from the first image is supposed to be visible here, but is not.
Here's the shader code, if it helps:
shader_type spatial;
uniform vec4 good_color : hint_color;
uniform vec4 bad_color : hint_color;
uniform sampler2D base_texture : hint_albedo;
uniform sampler2D color_map : hint_black;
const float good = 1f;
const float bad = 0f;
void fragment() {
vec4 color = texture(base_texture, UV);
vec4 color_state = texture(color_map, UV);
if (color_state.r == good) {
color = vec4(good_color.r, good_color.g, good_color.b, 1);
else if (color_state.r == bad) {
color = vec4(bad_color.r, bad_color.g, bad_color.b, 1);
ALBEDO = vec3(color.r, color.g, color.b);