- Edited
Hi there,
I tried the Spatial material and it's detail texture, and i'm disappointed so i made one.
Left is a correct detail texture custom shader, right is Spatial material default detail texture.
The albedo color doesn't mix well whatever you choose "Mix" or "Add" modes, base normal map is almost no more visible overriden by detail normal map, and detail texture uses the same UV scale as the base texture.
I added two parameters to the shader code :
- Detail texture multiplier input number for UV otherwise it's not a detail texture
- Input number to specify the strength of the normal map over the detail normal map
This is the correct one code :
shader_type spatial;
uniform float tex1res = 1;
uniform float tex2res = 10;
uniform sampler2D tex1Albedo;
uniform sampler2D tex1Normal;
uniform sampler2D tex2Albedo;
uniform sampler2D tex2Normal;
varying vec4 vertexColor;
varying vec3 vertexNormal;
void vertex() {
vertexColor = COLOR; // make the normal the color
vertexNormal = NORMAL;
void fragment() {
vec3 a1 = texture(tex1Albedo, UV * tex1res).rgb;
vec3 n1 = texture(tex1Normal, UV * tex1res).rgb;
vec3 a2 = texture(tex2Albedo, UV * tex2res).rgb;
vec3 n2 = texture(tex2Normal, UV * tex2res).rgb;
vec3 resultAlbedo = mix( a1 , a2, 0.5);
ALBEDO = resultAlbedo;
vec3 addNormals = mix(n1 *1.8,n2,0.5 );
vec3 nResult = normalize(addNormals);
NORMALMAP = nResult;
GitHub link https://github.com/DevMagicLord/Godot3/tree/master/shaders/Detail%20Texture