Hello everyone,
I've been playing around with the splatmap shader for terrains by Nuno Donato on Youtube originally for Godot 2.1:
In the comments someone posted version of the shader code for Godot 3 which works perfectly on MacOS:
shader_type spatial;
uniform float grassres = 1;
uniform float rockres = 1;
uniform float dirtres = 1;
uniform sampler2D grass;
uniform sampler2D rock;
uniform sampler2D dirt;
uniform sampler2D splatmap;
void fragment(){
float grassval = texture(splatmap, UV).g;
float rockval = texture(splatmap, UV).b;
float dirtval = texture(splatmap, UV).r;
vec3 grasstex = texture(grass, UVgrassres).rgb grassval;
vec3 rocktex = texture(rock, UVrockres).rgb rockval;
vec3 dirttex = texture(dirt, UVdirtres).rgb dirtval;
vec3 result = grasstex+rocktex+dirttex;
ALBEDO = result;
But when I try it out on Windows 10 the terrain mesh just turns green and the shader does not seem to be working correctly.

I have attached the project maybe someone else can test it with Godot 3 on Windows 10 or Linux as well and tell me wether it is working or not: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwlprpm4zaw56n1/terrain.zip?dl=0
Thanks and regards