Hi there,
I made a detail shader, it's working but lighting seems to change according to camera rotation.
What could be wrong ?

`shader_type spatial;
uniform float texture1Res = 10;
uniform float detailRes = 10;
uniform sampler2D texture1;
uniform sampler2D texture1N;
uniform sampler2D detail;
uniform sampler2D detailN;
void fragment(){
//float grassval = texture(splatmap, UV).g;
//float rockval = texture(splatmap, UV).b;
//float dirtval = texture(splatmap, UV).r;
//float grassHeight = max (grassval,rockval);
//vec3 grasstex = texture(grass, UVgrassres).rgb grassHeight;
vec3 texture1Albedo = texture(texture1, UVtexture1Res).rgb 0.5;
vec3 texture1Normal = texture(texture1N, UVtexture1Res).rgb 0.5;
vec3 detailAlbedo = texture(detail, UVdetailRes).rgb 0.5;
vec3 detailNormal = texture(detailN, UVdetailRes).rgb 0.5;
//vec3 resultAlbedo = vertexColor.r > minvertexColor ? grasstex: rocktex;
vec3 resultAlbedo = texture1Albedo + detailAlbedo;
ALBEDO = resultAlbedo;
vec3 resultNormal = texture1Normal + detailNormal;
NORMAL = resultNormal;