Does anybody know if the Graph Shader will be updated in the upcoming 3.0?
3.0 ? I thought we will have 2.2 end of 2016, so 3.0 seems really far away. Or i missed something ?
You missed that 2.2 will never be released and 3.0 is planned for early 2017.
You can get an unofficial build - 2.2.alpha.custom_build if you want to play with visual script etc
works for me!
@evs said: You can get an unofficial build - 2.2.alpha.custom_build if you want to play with visual script etc works for me!
@evs said:
Yeah I actually use one, but I would like to know if the Graph Sahder (the Visual Script for shader language) will be supported and updated too.
Juan hasn't talked about it yet, that I've seen, but I would bet the answer is absolutely. Considering this is a pretty core feature, along with visual scripting. It will make Godot really stand tall on it's own two feet.